Product Design to Working prototype

If you have an idea, we bake the product for you. Product Design to a Working prototype is not only about technology, but the art of it. With this approach, you not only test your concept using a physical product but also evaluate and enhance your design, practically.

Type of Rapid Prototypes

  • Mechanical Prototypes
    • CAD solutions
    • Structural Analysis
  • PCB Designs
  • IOT Prototypes
  • Trainer Drones
  • UGV( Unmanned Ground Vehicles )

Services we offer in Idea to Reality Rapid Prototyping

Proof of Concepts

Product design prototypes

Sales prototypes

Design validation prototypes

Display only prototypes

Working test mock-ups

3D printing & rapid prototyping

Electronic & PCB prototypes

Process - From Idea to Reality

1. Idea Generation

High Level research, brain storming, technical investigations

2. Concept Design & Development

  • Explore options such as functionality, style and manufacturing process
  • Detail 3D Models of the prototype are constructed

3. Prototype Development

  • 3D printing and other assemblies of electronics to be make testable

  • Iterative changes in designs are accommodated to get the desired action


Idea to Reality
Idea to reality
idea to reality
idea to reality
idea to reality
idea to reality
idea to reality
Idea to reality

View Our Portfolio

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